A not very timely note

This was a blog I once wrote during my high school and early college years. I keep it around for nostalgic purposes, but it is quite obviously no longer updated. I am looking to make a more professional blog presence in the future, but I still like to look at where I was mentally at certain points in time.

- G. Jan 2013

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Justice" by G.

What do you think of when you see that word? I prefer to think of that statue of “blind justice”, a blindfolded woman holding a balance and a sword. Justice with equality and without bias; that’s what the justice system supposedly strives for. But the concept of Justice goes deeper than that. Can you equate “Justice” with “Revenge” sometimes? Perhaps. I would like to believe that people really do collect some kind of “karma”, and that they will eventually pay for their bad actions. But sometimes, just by seeing the things around you, or paying attention to what’s going on in the world, there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of justice. I’ve always thought of Justice as simply punishment for bad deeds. If a person does something bad then I don’t think that it should just be let go. But that’s a more moral and simple kind of Justice. People usually think of Justice either in the courts or in law enforcement. Whether the accused will be guilty or innocent. Whether investigators will catch the criminal. But Justice can span farther than that. Individual people sometimes choose to take it on themselves to bring Justice to something or someone. But why do we feel so strongly about this? It’s simply a part of being human. Some things wound the soul so deeply that people feel that they need to take some kind of action to heal that wound. Big victories don't come often in life, but rest assured that once in awhile, Justice is served to the ones who deserve it.

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