A not very timely note

This was a blog I once wrote during my high school and early college years. I keep it around for nostalgic purposes, but it is quite obviously no longer updated. I am looking to make a more professional blog presence in the future, but I still like to look at where I was mentally at certain points in time.

- G. Jan 2013

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thriving on Chaos?

Peace, harmony and an olive branch. If you asked most people, they would probably say that those are wonderful things to strive for. But in the midst of all this, something has been poking at my mind for awhile now. We always seem to do what is counter productive to our ideals. We want to be happy, yet we stay in the same state and do the same things that we know keep us unhappy. People will persist in keeping bad relationships alive, stay in the same unfulfilling jobs, and keep tuning in to the same depressing news; accepting it all with little protest. Will there be complaints? You bet. But actual action? Not for awhile. Very few of us are just magically born with the ability to take pre-emptive strikes towards change. And then we come to that simple word; change. What is it about change that strikes fear into the minds of so many?

I tried to imagine a world without a shred of conflict. No wars or dissent. No natural disasters or economies going kablooey. That is what we all want... isn't it? But I don't think so. I think there is something about chaos that forces us to act. We all would love to change something, but the biggest fear is what would actually happen if that change came about. I don't think it's peace we want, but understanding. I desperately want to understand the world and it's people, and why we act the way we do. Why we fight endless wars. Why we have big stockpiles of nukes in the event that we are attacked by our own kind. Why people who seem to have everything they could ever want are still unhappy and looking for that missing piece...

When the peoples of the world understand each other, they will no longer need a reason to point their weapons across oceans. There will always be disagreements, dissent, and chaos. We can never change or grow without them. But there is a difference between learning from the chaos, or getting swept up in it. It's not world peace we want; peace is temporary until the next shot is fired, whether that bullet is verbal or made of metal. We need global understanding. To use our differences to improve the magnifying glass that we have put on our biggest questions since man first put pen to paper.


Anonymous said...

I think conflict is necessary to facilitate change and provoke thought, but like you said one can't let himself get caught up in all of this.

YogaforCynics said...

A world without conflict would be a utopia. As such, when people attempt to create perfect societies, they have to eliminate anyone who thinks differently, and we get inquisitions, gulags, concentration camps, etc., until, finally, it becomes clear that to eliminate all conflict would involve killing everyone, and the attempt at utopia falls apart. Thus, the best goal, I think, is to try to create a world in which, as you say, we acknowledge conflicts but try to understand those with whom we disagree. Then, that's easier said than done--most of us have a hard enough time getting along with our family members, much less the whole world....

G. said...

@Anonymous: Well Said. Thanks for visiting!

@Yoga: Utopia's seem to be nothing more than the personal desires of the orginator of the idea; naturally everyone could never comply to the ideas of a few. Yeah, it would definitly be difficult... but it sounds just a tiny bit more feasible than world peace heh. I mean hey, we got diplomacy and a certain amount of stability; that's a start.

Thank you for the comments; hope to see them again soon!